How to Be Productive at Work in 2023

How to Be Productive at Work in 2023

It’s no secret that working a full 9-5 schedule isn’t conducive to productivity or happiness. To get the most out of your workday, it’s essential to have strategies that allow you to accomplish your goals.

This blog post will look at some easy ways to be productive at work in 2023. Keep reading to learn more!

Tips for setting goals and staying motivated at work in 2023

Setting goals can be a great way to set yourself up for success at work. Here are some tips for creating and sticking to goals at work in 2023: 

Be specific about your target. For example, instead of setting vague goals like “get more done” or “work more efficiently,” set clear targets, like “work 40 hours per week on the Friday after Thanksgiving” or “finish X number of tasks before the end of the day on Friday.” 

Set recurring goals. Instead of developing a new plan monthly, prioritize periodic goals, like “finish X number of tasks before the end of the day on Friday” or “read 20 pages of a new book each week.” 

Set realistic goals. When setting goals, it’s essential to be accurate — especially when setting goals related to time, like “finish X number of tasks before the end of the day on Friday.” Knowing how much time you have left at work each day can help you stay focused throughout the day. 

Set goals that you know you can achieve. Setting goals you know you can achieve will help you stay motivated at work. For example, if you know that you always work better when you have a deadline, set a goal to meet a deadline. 

Set rewards for achieving goals. Once you’ve set your goals, set tips for achieving them. For example, reward yourself with 20 minutes of extra sleep or a relaxing 10-minute break after you finish your plan.

4 Important Ways to be Productive in 2023

 Do you need to catch up? Does your office seem like a never-ending slog? If you’re in the majority, you’re not alone.

According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, 80% of Americans feel like they don’t have enough time in the day to do everything they want.

To help you feel more productive and organized at work, we’ve put together a few tips to help you be more efficient. Check them out below!

1. Set a schedule and stick to it.

Making a schedule and sticking to it will help you accomplish more daily. When you know what you’re working on and when you expect to finish it, it’ll be much easier to focus on the task at hand.

2. Use your whiteboard or computer screen as a to-do list.

Trying to remember everything you need to do every day is impossible, which is why using a whiteboard or computer screen as your to-do list is so helpful. Not only can you see all of your tasks at once, but you can also add reminders as needed.

3. Use technology to your advantage.

If you like to be hands-on, using technology to your advantage can help you stay productive. For example, using a calendar to track your commitments can help you stay on top of your schedule. Additionally, using apps that keep track of your deadlines can be a huge help.

4. Take breaks.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, taking a break is the best way to clear your head and get back to work with a fresh perspective. Instead of trying to cram in more work, take

How to create a work schedule that works for you?

Creating a work schedule that works for you is one of the most important things you can do to reduce stress. 

  • First, determine your most productive hours. 
  • Next, decide when you’ll be most effective — and when you’ll be at your best. 
  • Finally, schedule specific tasks for when you are at your best.
  • If a job requires your full attention, assign it a particular time block. 
  • Give yourself a 30-minute lunch break. 
  • Turn off your phone during your working hours. 
  • Schedule any personal errands or meetings late afternoon or early evening.

How to deal with distractions at work?


Distractions at work are the bane of any worker’s existence. But, unfortunately, they are also widespread. The American Institute of Stress reports that 55% of Americans feel stressed at work. 
With so much stress, it’s understandable that workers might want to take a break, but distractions also make it difficult to focus and concentrate. 

The good news is that many tactics can help you focus when you work in an office, and these tips will help you stay productive even when there are distractions around you.


1. Create a work plan before you begin

Before you get started on your work plan, you first need to take some time to think about what you want to achieve. Once you understand what you want, creating a work plan to help you reach your goals will be easier.

A work plan should include a timeline, goals, and objectives. The timeline should outline when you expect to complete each step, and the goals should be specific. Objectives should be measurable and achievable, and they should be updated as you progress through the plan.
Creating a work plan is essential in setting goals and achieving success.
2. Avoid multitasking
When we work on multiple tasks simultaneously, our brains struggle, and our performance declines. For example, when we try to do two jobs at once, our brain can only focus on one task at a time. When we try to do more than two tasks at once, our brain can’t handle the additional demands, and we struggle to complete the task.
The key to avoiding multitasking is to break the tasks down into simpler, more manageable pieces. When we break a job down, we can focus on it better and complete it faster. This is why we must set boundaries for ourselves and stick to them. If we can stick to our limits, we can avoid the adverse effects of multitasking and improve our productivity.


3. Diffuse organic oils

Diffuse organic oils have been found to affect cognitive function positively. Diffuse organic oils are derived from plants and then distilled to extract the oil. The oils are then mixed with carrier oil and diffused into the air.

There is research that suggests that diffusing oils can improve focus and concentration. The oils help improve blood flow to the brain and improve nerve function. They also help to improve mood and relieve tension and stress.


Here’s the blend you can try to promote focus while working:
3 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

3 drops Rosemary Essential Oil

2 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

1 drop Cedarwood Atlast Essential Oil
Directions: Add essential oils to the diffuser, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Set time limits on your goals

To achieve your work goals, you need to set time limits. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed, and you’ll be able to focus on the task. You can also use time limits to monitor your progress. Finally, you can adjust your limits accordingly if you need to meet your goals.

5. Set yourself a shorter time frame to work

If you have a lot of unfinished work, or if you have a lot of unfinished tasks that you know you can get done in a shorter amount of time, setting yourself a shorter time frame to work on those tasks can be helpful. This will help you focus on the tasks you know you can get done in a shorter amount of time, and it will help keep you from getting overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to get done.

6. Turn off notifications

When working, we often want to concentrate on our work without being disturbed by incoming notifications. However, sometimes messages are necessary for our work. It can be challenging to ignore reports if we’re trying to focus on a task.

There are a few ways to work around this problem. One way is to turn off notifications for all apps. However, this can be tedious, as certain statements may be necessary. Another way is to set specific notifications to vibrate or sound instead of appearing on the screen. This way, we can still be alerted of important messages, but we can avoid having them visible on our screens.

7. Music

Music has long been known to impact people’s moods and focus positively. For example, a study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that people who listened to relaxing music while working reported fewer mistakes and improved focus and task performance.

The study participants were presented with a challenging memory task and were asked to make mistakes while listening to either calming or energizing music. Those who listened to the energizing music made more mistakes than those who listened to the calming music.

The study participants also reported feeling more energized after working with the energizing music. This suggests that music can improve task performance in several different ways. Music not only has a positive impact on mood, but it can also help you stay focused and productive.

8. Practice meditation

Meditation has been practised for centuries to achieve mental and physical well-being. It has been found to improve focus and concentration, increase creativity, and reduce stress. There are many different types of meditation, and mindfulness is the most effective for work.

Mindfulness meditation is the practice of continuously focusing on your present moment. It will help if you concentrate on your breath, thoughts, and sensations. It would help if you did this without judging them. For example, it would help if you focused on breathing in and out and nothing else. Do this for 20 minutes every day, and it can help improve your focus and concentration.

9. Don’t forget to take breaks

Taking breaks is essential for everyone, but it’s necessary for employees working long hours. When you take a break, your brain and body can rejuvenate. This allows you to return to work with a refreshed mind and body, which can lead to better results.

Aim to maximize your productivity; take at least 20 breaks daily. This can be a short break, such as a quick walk around the office or a lunch break. When you take a break, you’ll be able to return to work with a fresh perspective and be more efficient.

FAQ Ways to be Productive at Work in 2023

How can I set realistic work goals and stick to them? 

There are several things you should do to set realistic work goals and stick to them: 

1. Set attainable goals- Make sure your goal is realistic. If you set a plan that’s too big, it’s probably not going to be reached. Also, break your goal down into smaller goals. 

2. Track progress towards your goal – Make sure to check in with yourself regularly and track your progress. If you need to meet your goals, adjust them accordingly.

3. Reward yourself for successful work – It’s important to reward yourself for a job well done. This can be done in several ways, such as ordering take-out or going on a date with your significant other. Whatever you choose, make sure that it’s something you want and won’t feel guilty about later.

How can I create a productive work environment? 


Creating a productive work environment is very important. Your work environment can have a significant impact on your mood, your productivity, and your overall success.

Some of the most effective ways to make your work environment more productive are:

1. Make your surroundings comfortable. 

2. Use positive thinking and visualization techniques.

3. Get a good night’s sleep.

4. Use productivity tricks.

5. Learn how to manage distractions.

How to handle stress and anxiety while working? 


There are a few things that you can do to help manage stress and anxiety while working:

  1. Find a way to de-stress. This can be done by enjoying your hobbies or taking a break every once in a while.
  2. Find a way to work that is comfortable for you. Try working from home or switch to a more ergonomically-designed keyboard.
  3. Try to find a co-worker or supervisor who is supportive and understanding.

They can help you constructively deal with stress and anxiety


Managing your time effectively and setting realistic goals are part of staying productive at work. Once you’ve figured out what to do, it’s up to you to find time to work on it. Productivity at work is challenging, but it’s possible. If you need help staying motivated and focused, why not create a weekly schedule for yourself? I hope this has been helpful to you. 


It’s rare to hear anyone say they loved middle school. Even past middle schoolers with positive memories never tout it as the best years of their life. So, how can kids today make it through? Try passing on these bits of advice for middle schoolers.

Simply put, it’s an awkward season. It’s a time of constant changes, social shake-ups, swinging emotions, and intense pressures. If I’ve learned anything from working with adolescent girls, it’s how hungry this age group is for comfort and reassurance. I hear it in their voices and see it in their eyes whenever I speak to a group, a look of searching and a longing to hear something – anything – to help them make sense of things.

Please tell me it gets better, their faces silently plead. Tell me this isn’t it.

Well, middle schoolers, I assure you that life picks up. There’s a bigger, more promising world beyond this rite of passage. In the meantime, I have 10 truths to center you. I hope they bring you peace and a little friendly guidance.

10 Nuggets of Life-Changing Advice for Middle Schoolers

1. Today’s most awkward moments will be tomorrow’s funniest memories. Keep a sense of humor whenever possible.

Those braces on your teeth that collect food? That acne on your face that miracle creams can’t cure? That giddy rush you get when your crush walks by, and you can’t think, talk, or see straight? One day these things will be really funny! They’ll be the memories you rehash again and again with your siblings and oldest friends.

It takes time, but as you gain confidence, your awkward moments become fun to share. You’ll readily admit yours and laugh at the comedy and conversation that result.

Eventually, you’ll have a dazzling smile, clear skin, and someone to love. Your current problems will have closure. So stay mindful of the big picture, and remember that even your worst experiences will pass.

This content was originally published here.

Conscious parenting you should encourage – The Standard Entertainment

Conscious parenting you should encourage – The Standard Entertainment

After a long day at work and for some super parents who have college and assignments to deal with, all you want to do once you are home is rest and unwind. Sadly, that is usually not possible with children. At the end of the day, you have zero energy for those you love and sometimes the children get to experience the brunt of your stress.

This has happened and you have asked yourself at least once, how you can keep your bad mood from affecting your children. The simple answer lies in conscious parenting. This is a more mindful approach different from other parenting styles. Based on the bestseller book, The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children by Dr Shefali Tsabary, parents are taught to manage their behaviour, thoughts and feelings first and foremost.

It is a philosophy that encourages parents to make emotionally intelligent and mindful decisions when it comes to raising their children. The reason why this is important is that we tend to learn habits from our parents consciously or unconsciously, repeating patterns we saw growing up. What is more unsettling is the fact that our childhood traumas and experiences tend to dictate our decisions even without us being aware of it.

Recognise that every child is unique and the approach for each one of them should be different. From when they are born, children have distinct needs and preferences. The only way you will understand this is by paying attention to them and learning. This will help you understand that you and they are two different people. Accept them for who they are and let your parenting cater to those needs.

Parenting should be a relationship, not a transaction. Like every relationship, it takes certain habits to build on trust and open lines of communication and develop a deep care and love for one another.

Related Topics

This content was originally published here.

How To Use Essential Oils for Depression?

How To Use Essential Oils for Depression?

Depression has become a significant issue in today’s society. It is affecting more and more people every year. While many people struggle with the problem, many natural solutions can help reduce the symptoms of depression. This blog post will explore how to use essential oils for depression. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Depression?



Depression is a mood disorder that affects how a person feels, thinks, and behaves. The symptoms of depression can be mild or severe, lasting for a long time. Depression is often a chronic condition that requires ongoing treatment.

A combination of genetic and environmental factors causes depression. Life stresses, such as grief, financial difficulties, or a loss of a loved one, can trigger it. The symptoms of depression can range from mild to severe and can include the following:

  • Feeling sad, down, depressed, hopeless, or worthless.
  • Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy.
  • Sleeping too much or sleeping too little.
  • Feeling nervous or anxious.
  • Weight gain or loss.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Changes in sexual behavior.
  • Feeling so discouraged that you can’t get out of bed.

What are the essential oils for depression?


Essential oils are infused with the scent of plants and have been used for centuries for their medicinal properties. 

Essential oils for depression often have a calming effect on the mind and body. 

Here are some essential oils that are known to have properties that relieve stress and alleviate symptoms of depression: 

– Lavender: Lavender essential oil is often used in aromatherapy. This oil is often used to relax the mind, calm nerves, and relieve stress and depression.

– Chamomile: Chamomile essential oil is relaxing and soothing. This essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety, stress, and depression.

– Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus essential oil is known for its soothing properties. This essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat depression, anxiety, and stress.

– Peppermint: Peppermint essential oil is refreshing and can help ease mental fatigue. This essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat depression and anxiety.

– Rose: Rose essential oil is known for its calming effects on the mind and body. This essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety and pain relief.

– Bergamot: Bergamot essential oil is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety, stress, and depression.

– Sandalwood: Sandalwood essential oil is known for its calming effects on the mind and body. This essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat depression, anxiety, and stress.

– Nutmeg: Nutmeg essential oil is often used to treat anxiety. This essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat depression.

– Frankincense: Frankincense essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety, depression, and stress.

How to use essential oils for depression?


Essential oils are all the rage these days. They’re often touted as an effective and natural way to reduce stress and anxiety, ease depression, and help with sleep. 

Essential oils are concentrated aromatic liquids extracted from the petals, leaves, stems, roots, bark, or other parts of a plant. They are used in various ways, including aromatherapy (inhaling or applying them directly to the skin), diffusion (using them in a room’s air or on surfaces), and topical application (applying them to the skin). 

Essential oils have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and researchers have now found evidence that they may be able to help treat depression. 

In a 2013 study, scientists from the University of Arizona found that lavender oil significantly reduced anxiety in participants when applied to the skin. 

In a 2015 study, researchers from the American Chemical Society found that peppermint oil similarly reduced anxiety. 

In a 2016 study, researchers from the University of East London found that inhaling a combination of rosemary and lavender oils significantly reduced feelings of sadness and anxiety in participants. 

Research has found that lavender, peppermint, rosemary, and chamomile essential oils may be the best at reducing depression, anxiety, and stress. 

Diffusing and topical essential oils for depression

Essential oils can be diffused into the air or put directly on the skin. The oils can be diffused either with an electric diffuser, as in a humidifier or air purifier, or with a warmer, which generates heat using an electric element and disperses the steam. 

When topically using essential oils, dilute them with a carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil. 

Essential oils are natural and powerful products that can be used in various ways. One way to use them is to apply them to the skin’s surface using a technique called “enfleurage.” This involves soaking the petals of the essential oil plant in a carrier oil and then applying the oil to the skin. 

This method is often used to treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis and is effective. It’s a safe and easy way to apply essential oils and a great way to get them into your skin.

Essential oils have been shown to have antidepressant effects. They are a popular treatment for depression. However, many of these studies rely on synthetic oils and need more research. Natural oils may be more effective at treating depression. It’s important to understand that essential oils are not a magic bullet. Depression is a complex issue; these oils will not cure all symptoms overnight, but they can be effective. Thanks for reading! I hope this article has been helpful.

Picking up grandchildren from school can help mental health, says study | Loneliness | The Guardian

Picking up grandchildren from school can help mental health, says study | Loneliness | The Guardian

Taking grandchildren to playgroups and picking them up from school can help stave off loneliness, research has found.

The study, a review of previous studies involving nearly 200,000 participants in 21 countries, suggested that looking after grandchildren regularly tends to have a positive impact on mental wellbeing, including feeling less isolated and greater fulfilment.

By contrast those who looked after a spouse with an illness or disability were linked to increased feelings of loneliness, highlighting the additional burden on older unpaid carers.

Samia Akhter-Khan, a PhD student at King’s College London and first author of the study, said: “We see these quite clear consistent findings that grandparenting or caregiving to non-kin children has this positive effect whereas spousal caregiving had a negative effect on loneliness.”

The team reviewed 28 previous studies involving 191,652 over-50s in 21 countries, including the UK, and examined the link between loneliness and unpaid care. One study showed that adults aged over 60 years who spent on average 12  hours each week looking after grandchildren were 60% less likely to feel lonely than non-caregivers, and other research revealed similar trends.

“While caregiving for grandchildren may include some of the same time-intensive activities as caregiving for an older adult, such as bathing and feeding, children are integrated in a care network that usually involves parents and institutions, such as schools,” the authors write.

Volunteering across a range of activities, including social and environmental causes, was also linked to lower levels of loneliness. By contrast caring for an ill spouse or relative was consistently linked to higher levels of loneliness and isolation. The authors suggest that looking after a partner could be isolating when faced with “an absence of support from other people or organisations” and often people do not have a choice whether to become a caregiver in this scenario. It can also be “a preparation to transitioning into widowhood”.

The authors highlight “the stark contrast between different realities of care”, where in some contexts it is a costly and burdensome activity and in others rewarding and meaningful. They add that the role of older adults as caregivers needed to be given greater recognition.

“Older people are usually portrayed as the care receivers and a cost to society in terms of money for pensions and health problems,” said Akhter-Khan. “But they’re really important contributors in terms of caregiving and volunteering. They’re really valuable for our society.”

The findings are published in the journal Aging and Mental Health.

This content was originally published here.

The Rudest Things You Can Do During Thanksgiving Dinner | HuffPost Life

The Rudest Things You Can Do During Thanksgiving Dinner | HuffPost Life

From cooking stress to tense conversations to full-on blowouts, many situations can derail a Thanksgiving dinner. But there are ways to keep things peaceful and light, as well. We asked etiquette experts to share some common rude behaviors at big holiday gatherings like Thanksgiving, and advice for avoiding them.

Even if you did RSVP for yourself, that doesn’t cover guests unless explicitly discussed, so avoid arriving with an uninvited plus one. There may not be enough seats, food or place settings to accommodate unexpected additions, so you put your host in a tough spot.

“If you’re going over to someone else’s house for Thanksgiving festivities, make sure you know the schedule of events and plan accordingly,” Smith said. “Sometimes people invite you for noon and they’re not serving dinner until 4. Plan so there isn’t too much together time. Don’t be rude, but if you know that you’re walking into a difficult situation, it might be best to be acceptably late ― or leave on the early side.”

“Family and friends all put together in one spot like this often means a clash in personalities, religious beliefs, politics and unsolicited opinions on every subject,” said August Abbott, an etiquette expert with JustAnswer. “The usual rule to insist on no discussions of religion or politics is hard to enforce, but enforce it you must. Even if everyone is of the same political preference, just talking about ‘the other side’ raises blood pressures and angst. This is not what the day is about.”

“Do not encourage, laugh or agree with something you find reprehensible,” Smith said. “A prolonged look before a topic change can speak volumes. Excusing yourself from the table to ‘visit’ the restroom and text a friend can help to keep you sane.”

“You do not owe anyone an answer regarding your weight, your romantic status or your politics,” Smith said. “Know your triggers and strategize in advance. If you are single, you know relatives are going to ask about a significant other. Have a stock answer ready to respond and move the conversation along ― ‘Oh, Aunt Tilly, you know I love to play the field. Hey, did you hear about my latest trip? I am just back from Prague. You would not believe what I saw.’”

“We’ve all had those guests who won’t leave the kitchen and won’t stop telling you how wrong you’re doing pretty much everything with the food,” Abbott said. “Actually invite them to taste and give their opinions. When they’re done, thank them and usher them back out of the kitchen with the promise you’ll tend to their suggestions.”

“If you know the host is not going to be respectful of your dietary restrictions, eat in advance so you are not starving and bring something you know you can eat as a side dish to share,” Smith said.

“Make conversation with new people,” Gottsman said. “If there are dinner guests you aren’t familiar with, make it a point to speak to them and get to know them rather than sticking to those you see and speak to every day. It’s polite to mix and mingle with new friends.”

This content was originally published here.