Carpet mould is a serious problem that can cause many inconveniences for home and business owners. Mouldy carpets are unsightly and can emit a strong pungent smell. Health problems caused by carpet mould occur when residents or employees spend extended time on carpeted areas. Mould spores can cause respiratory issues by causing allergic reactions or infections in people with allergies to them.

Additionally, carpet mould can affect the aesthetic appeal of your carpet. It will cause unsightly blotches and spots on your flooring that will be extremely difficult to remove. Furthermore, if your indoor air doesn’t circulate your carpets, mould spores will accumulate in one area- making it much harder to clean it. Only running large A/C units will exacerbate this issue, as constant circulating cold air will disperse the mould spores throughout your home or office.

Why is carpet mould such a big issue?

Carpet mould is also a major issue for businesses that have carpets in their building’s main areas. mouldy carpet problems are quite obvious when people walk on them. These problems are even worse when employees spend time in such carpeted areas while at work. Carpet mould can stain and damage fabric easily since it’s also wetter than other surfaces. With all this in mind, it’s no wonder so many buildings have bad carpet mould problems!

Unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done about poor indoor air circulation when residents and employees spend time in carpeted areas. People with mould allergies are stuck with the same issues as everyone else when the air circulation near their carpets is poor. However, there is a way to make your carpets less bothersome, with these tips.

  1. Cleaning carpets with hot water extraction

Carpet cleaning should always begin with a deep clean using hot water extraction method. Hot water helps remove dirt and grime that may have been trapped in the fibres of the carpet over time. In addition, steam can help loosen any mould spores that may be present on the surface of the carpet. Steam cleaners employed by carpet mould removal services work well for this purpose.

  1. Use a dehumidifier

A dehumidifier can help remove moisture from the air surrounding the carpet. Moisture tends to attract mould spores, which thrive in damp environments. A dehumidifier can help reduce humidity levels in the room and prevent mould spores from germinating.

  1. Remove carpet padding

If possible, remove the carpet padding before beginning the cleaning process. Mould grows best in moist conditions, and if the carpet is not covered, it can become a breeding ground for mould. If the carpet padding cannot be removed, consider placing a plastic tarp under the carpet to keep it dry.

  1. Add baking soda

Baking soda is a natural antimicrobial agent that can help eliminate mould spores from the area around the carpet. Baking soda works great as a carpet cleaner because it removes stains and odours without leaving behind any harsh chemicals. Simply sprinkle baking soda directly onto the carpet and let it sit until the odour dissipates. Then vacuum the area to remove the baking soda.

  1. Hire experts

Hiring a qualified, reputable professional with a job warranty is the ideal way to handle mould. Experts are familiar with the procedure because they have performed carpet cleaning in Melbourne and carpet mould removal treatment on several occasions. They have received carpet cleaning training, so they are aware of the best methods for your needs. Experts are also equipped with automated mould removal instruments and safe chemical mixtures that effectively but gently remove mould growth in your carpets.

  1. Vinegar

Vinegar is a good remedy for any mould issue because it may kill as much as 82 per cent of all fungus species. Simply put the mixture of water and white fermented vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally spray the affected area with the mixture. To eliminate the mould, gently sponge it with warm water after 20 minutes.

Summing it up

Carpet mould is a major problem that affects many homes and businesses alike.  Mouldy carpet issues are easily avoided by following the recommended cleaning procedures outlined above. A few preventative measures includes keeping your home’s humidity levels low and maintaining clean air circulation around your carpet. You should also ensure your windows don’t leak condensation onto your carpet. Regular carpet cleaning Melbourne can also help maintain the carpet. All of these steps will help you keep your carpet clean and mould-free.

However, mould may be challenging to remove from the carpet after it has been exposed. If replacing the carpet is not an alternative, the issue might be resolved with a thorough cleaning by , they have the expertise to deal with carpet mould effectively.

The post How To Get Rid Of Mould From Carpets? appeared first on Squeaky Clean Rugs.

This content was originally published here.